A day after announcing their separation, Natasa Stankovic took to Instagram to share glimpses of her time in Serbia with their son, Agastya Pandya. The couple’s joint announcement of their “mutual parting” came as a surprise to many of their fans, who have been following their relationship closely.
On Thursday, Natasa and Hardik Pandya revealed their decision to end their relationship after four years of marriage. The couple, who tied the knot in May 2020, expressed their mutual respect and sorrow over the decision, emphasizing their commitment to co-parenting their son.
In the aftermath of the announcement, Natasa posted several photos and videos on her Instagram Stories, capturing moments from her trip to her home country. The images show Agastya enjoying himself in the backyard, highlighting the serene environment of their Serbian retreat.
Natasa also shared a selfie video from a bicycle ride, dressed in an all-black outfit, with the song “Sing Hallelujah” by Dr. Alban playing in the background. This update reflects her effort to stay positive during this challenging time.
In their joint statement, Hardik and Natasa mentioned their intention to focus on Agastya’s well-being and requested privacy as they navigate this transition. The couple’s message emphasized their ongoing support for each other as they move forward.
Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic, who married in 2020 and welcomed their son the same year, had been a popular couple in the public eye. Their recent separation has drawn significant media attention, with fans and well-wishers expressing their support and concern.
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