Superstar Rajinikanth recently wrapped up shooting for his highly anticipated film ‘Vettaiyan,’ directed by TJ Gnanavel. The news was shared by the film’s production house, Lyca Productions, on social media along with a photo capturing the last day on set. In the image, Rajinikanth is seen smiling alongside the entire ‘Vettaiyan’ team, dressed in a grey shirt and white pants.
Fans have been eagerly awaiting updates about ‘Vettaiyan,’ which also stars Amitabh Bachchan and Fahadh Faasil. The film’s title teaser was released in April, teasing audiences with a glimpse of the film’s world.
Rajinikanth’s involvement in ‘Vettaiyan’ holds special significance as it marks a reunion with his mentor, the legendary Amitabh Bachchan, after 33 years. Their collaboration has generated immense excitement, especially after completing a schedule in Mumbai recently.
The film is set to release in multiple languages, including Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada, catering to a wide audience base. ‘Vettaiyan’ is not just a project for Rajinikanth; it’s a testament to his enduring legacy and his ability to captivate audiences across languages and regions.
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