Bollywood’s renowned choreographer Mudassar Khan recently tied the knot with Riya Kishanchandani, receiving an unexpected visit and blessings from none other than superstar Salman Khan at the wedding ceremony. In a heartwarming video reshared by the choreographer, Salman Khan, adorned in a black outfit, is seen warmly greeting the newlyweds, embracing Mudassar Khan, and conveying his heartfelt wishes. Expressing his gratitude, Mudassar Khan shared the moment on Instagram, stating, “The moment which will stay forever in my heart.”
Mudassar Khan, known for his collaborations with Salman Khan in blockbuster films such as “Dabangg,” “Bodyguard,” and “Ready,” shared glimpses of the wedding festivities on social media, expressing his joy and gratitude for the support and love from both families and well-wishers.
Meanwhile, Salman Khan, fresh off the success of “Tiger 3,” recently celebrated his father Salim Khan’s 89th birthday. Images from the celebration, shared by Salim Khan’s daughter Arpita Khan, captured cherished family moments. The picture showcased the family gathered, with Salman Khan posing alongside siblings, brothers-in-law, and nieces and nephews.
In a heartfelt birthday message, Salman Khan shared a picture of himself with his father, adorably referring to Salim Khan as his ‘Tiger.’ The bonding between father and son was evident as they sported similar-colored shirts, exemplifying their strong familial ties.
The success of “Tiger 3” at the box office, surpassing the ₹250 crore mark, reflects Salman Khan’s enduring appeal among audiences. The film, where Salman portrays the character of Tiger, continues to captivate viewers in theaters.
Salman Khan’s journey with the “Tiger” franchise began in 2012 with “Ek Tha Tiger,” directed by Kabir Khan, followed by “Tiger Zinda Hai” in 2017, helmed by Ali Abbas Zafar. The latest installment, “Tiger 3,” has maintained the momentum of success, consolidating Salman Khan’s position as a box office magnet.
The superstar’s presence at Mudassar Khan’s wedding not only showcased his affectionate nature but also highlighted the strong camaraderie he shares with colleagues in the industry, celebrating joyous occasions together.
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