Rashmika Mandanna, the celebrated actor from Coorg who has carved a niche in both Telugu and Tamil cinema, recently found herself in the spotlight for an amusing mix-up during an interview. Speaking with MissMalini, Rashmika mistakenly referred to Vijay’s iconic Tamil film Ghilli as a remake of Mahesh Babu’s Pokiri. The internet was quick to correct her, and Rashmika responded with grace and humor.
The Interview Mix-Up
During the interview, Rashmika shared fond memories of the first film she ever watched in a theater. She said, “Ghilli. You know why I keep saying that I really love Vijay Thalapathy sir? Because it is the first film that…he was the first actor I watched in a theatre.”
While expressing her admiration for the film, she added, “Ghilli is a film, I think now recently I learnt that, it’s a remake of a film called Pokiri. I didn’t know. So I watched this and Appadi Podu…the song, oh my god. Majority of my life, I was performing on that song.”
The Reality of the Remakes
For clarity, Vijay’s Ghilli (2004) is a remake of Mahesh Babu’s Okkadu (2003), while Mahesh’s Pokiri (2006) was remade in Tamil as Pokkiri (2007), also starring Vijay. Rashmika’s mix-up sparked a flurry of comments on social media platforms, with fans eager to set the record straight.
Rashmika’s Response
When a user on X (formerly Twitter) pointed out the error, asking, “#Ghilli is a remake of #Pokkiri enti raashu #RashmikaMandanna,” Rashmika responded candidly. She wrote in Telugu, “Avunu… telusu sorry… okka booboo aipoindi… interview ayipointarvata annukunna reyyyy Ghilli is Okkadu ra… Pokkiri is Pokiri ani… social media lo ippudu estuntaaru ani… sorry sorry my bad. But I love all of their movies so it’s ok.”
(Translation: “Yes, I know, sorry. I made a booboo. I realized after the interview that Ghilli is a remake of Okkadu and Pokkiri is a remake of Pokiri. I knew people would point it out on social media. Sorry, sorry, my bad. But I love all of their movies, so it’s okay.”)
A Graceful Apology
Rashmika’s candid and light-hearted apology won over fans, demonstrating her humility and quick wit. The actor also took the opportunity to reaffirm her love for Tamil and Telugu cinema, stating that she admires the works of Vijay, Mahesh Babu, and Trisha equally.
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