In a recent interview, actor Randeep Hooda shared insights into his experiences working with co-stars and the impact it had on his personal life. Speaking to Humans of Bombay, Hooda delved into his equations with Alia Bhatt during the filming of Highway and the profound connection he developed with Dalbir Kaur while working on Sarbjit.
Hooda candidly discussed Alia Bhatt’s initial apprehension towards him on the sets of Imtiaz Ali’s Highway in 2014. He admitted to not speaking to Bhatt for nearly 20-25 days during the shoot, revealing that Bhatt was so frightened of him that she wouldn’t even sit next to him. Hooda explained, “I didn’t speak to Alia for 20-25 days when we shot for Highway. She was this girl from Juhu who had not seen much of the world; she didn’t have much exposure. So, to keep her fear of my character in place…she used to be terrified of me. I made sure of that. I never spoke to her. She wouldn’t come to sit next to me also. That’s the effect we wanted in the movie.”
Shifting to his experiences on other projects, Hooda revealed the real-life impact of films like Main Aur Charles (2015) and Sarbjit (2016) on his personal relationships. He shared, “I grew close to Sarabjit’s sister (Dalbir) through filming. We stayed in touch till she passed away. She wanted me to light her funeral pyre, and I did. She was a great woman, she looked after her brother’s children, whom I talk to.” In a lighter vein, he mentioned staying in touch with Charles Sobhraj, quipping about Sobhraj’s communication from jail in Nepal despite his criminal status.
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