Amid her busy filming schedule in Australia, Priyanka Chopra took a moment to share a delightful glimpse into her personal life, posting an adorable photo of her daughter, Malti Marie, on Instagram. The photo, which quickly captured the hearts of her followers, shows little Malti attempting to make roti, a traditional Indian flatbread.
On Thursday, Priyanka Chopra delighted her fans by sharing a series of candid snapshots that offer a peek into her life both on and off the set. Among the highlights was a charming image of Malti holding a rolling pin and rolling out dough into a roti. Priyanka captioned the image with, “M making roti (crying emoji),” reflecting her joy at the heartwarming moment.
In addition to the roti-making photo, Priyanka’s Instagram post featured various other images, including a picture of her in costume on set, a snapshot of her hairstyle, and a photo of her mother, Madhu Chopra, cooking a meal in the kitchen. One image also showcased bhindi, a popular Indian vegetable.
Priyanka’s caption read, “Partial padding for stunts. Takes forever to get into costume. Sorry, ADs … Miss ercell from cayman 🇰🇾 is one of my inspirations for the #thebluff. God has given me this day to use that will … I’m exchanging a day of my life for it… So I shall not forget the price I paid for it.” She also reflected on the comfort of returning home after a demanding workday to a home-cooked meal by her mother, expressing her gratitude for the support from her family and team.
Additionally, the post included a touching video of Priyanka and Malti performing an adorable rendition of “How Far I’ll Go” from the film Moana, which Priyanka described as “Moana, Malti and Mama.”
The post quickly garnered an outpouring of affection from fans, who filled the comments with heart emojis and praises. One fan wrote, “Very beautiful Priyanka, I’m your biggest fan,” while another shared their love for bhindi, the vegetable featured in her post.
Priyanka Chopra’s latest Instagram update not only gave fans a glimpse into her life as a busy actress and devoted mother but also showcased the sweet, everyday moments that resonate with her audience.
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