Bengaluru mourns the loss of Aparna Vastarey, the beloved voice behind Namma Metro’s announcements and a prominent figure in Karnataka’s entertainment industry. The 57-year-old actress and radio presenter succumbed to lung cancer on Thursday, leaving behind a legacy cherished by many.
Aparna Vastarey was not only known for her acting prowess in Kannada television shows and her role as a radio jockey at All India Radio but also for her distinctive announcements on Bengaluru’s metro system. Her signature phrase, “Dayavittu Gamanisi, Mundina Nildana..,” resonated with countless commuters, making her voice an integral part of daily metro journeys in the city.
Chief Minister Siddaramaiah expressed his condolences on social media, acknowledging Aparna’s multifaceted talent and significant contributions to Kannada-language broadcasting. He described her as a household name known for her eloquent hosting of various government events and television programs. The Chief Minister extended his sympathies to Aparna’s family, urging them to find strength during this difficult time.
Aparna Vastarey, residing in Banashankari, leaves behind her husband and a profound impact on Karnataka’s cultural landscape. Colleagues from the TV and radio industries are expected to join in paying their respects during her final rites.
The passing of Aparna Vastarey marks a poignant moment for Bengaluru, where her voice will be remembered fondly by metro commuters and fans of Kannada entertainment alike. Her contributions to both public service announcements and entertainment have left an indelible mark, reflecting her dedication and talent in promoting the Kannada language and culture.
Sources By Agencies