Himachal Pradesh’s Manisha Kumari has been crowned Miss India Unique 2024. Along with her, Delhi’s Nisha Singh became the first runner-up, while Mumbai’s Rachel Arora was crowned the 2nd runner-up.
Organised by award winning film director Vipin Agnihotri, Manisha is dedicated towards taking up challenges and succeeding. Manisha dreamt of competing in the Miss India pageant since she was 10-year-old.
The seventh edition of India’s most prestigious pageant pulled off another season’s grand finale in a historic ceremony at Lucknow.
The star-studded extravaganza celebrated the ethos of beauty in diversity and featured memorable performances by India’s heartthrobs.
The grand event featured the best in fashion in the form of multiple rounds dedicated to fashion, featuring the beautiful and intelligent winners from 30 states, showcasing stunning collections by fashion greats.
Manisha Kumari wins Miss India Unique 2024 organised by award winning film director Vipin Agnihotri
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