IFS officer Parveen Kaswan recently took to social media platform X to share a clip from the movie ’12th Fail,’ igniting a discussion on the portrayal of UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) interview scenes and his personal experiences within the UPSC building during the selection process for civil services.
Sharing a video clip depicting a scene from the movie featuring Vikrant Massey’s character, Kaswan noted the film’s accurate portrayal of the atmosphere inside the UPSC building during interview rounds. Expressing nostalgia, he remarked, “What a nostalgic feeling. And such a real depiction of what happens in the UPSC building during an interview. Been there three times like this!”
In subsequent tweets, Kaswan elaborated on the reality, mentioning that while the depicted scene mirrored the interview’s waiting area ambiance, there were nuances in the actual process, such as candidates queuing before the interview board’s call and sitting outside the boardroom for a few minutes.
The video, shared on January 1 on X, garnered significant attention, amassing over 5.6 lakh views and 6,000 likes. Users engaged in discussions, seeking insights into Kaswan’s experiences and the weightage of the interview process in UPSC selections.
Responding to Kaswan’s tweet, individuals queried about the importance of the interview vis-à-vis Mains marks, sought advice for candidates appearing for UPSC interviews, and shared their own reflections and emotional connections to the process.
The candid reflections by Kaswan and the ensuing engagement among X users offered an intriguing glimpse into the authenticity of the film’s representation and provided a platform for sharing personal experiences related to the esteemed UPSC interview process.
Kaswan’s insights not only highlighted the resonance between reel and real-life scenarios but also provided a valuable perspective for aspirants navigating the demanding and prestigious world of civil services.
Sources By Agencies