Bollywood’s much-anticipated film “Fighter,” featuring Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone, had a mixed start at the box office on its opening day, earning ₹24 crore domestically. The trade analyst Taran Adarsh reported that while the Day 1 collection was deemed average, the film garnered positive audience feedback, hinting at potential growth in numbers on its second day.
Despite a slower start in the morning and noon shows, “Fighter” gained momentum post 5 pm on its opening day, primarily considered a working day before a public holiday. Taran Adarsh acknowledged that the film could have aimed for a higher opening figure, but the positive audience response is expected to contribute to a stronger performance on Day 2, which coincides with the Republic Day holiday.
The film’s performance was notable in major centers on Day 1, although it did not align with expectations in mass circuits. Adarsh anticipates that the mass appeal could increase over the weekend, potentially leading to a healthy extended weekend total.
“Fighter,” directed by Siddharth Anand, features Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone as air force officers responding to a cross-border threat. Anil Kapoor also joins the ensemble cast. While the film received mixed reviews from critics, praising the cast performances, it faced criticism for its execution and the need for a more formidable villain.
Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone, known for delivering high-octane thrills in previous collaborations with Siddharth Anand, mark their first on-screen collaboration in “Fighter.” The film’s fate at the box office will unfold in the coming days, with expectations of increased numbers during the Republic Day weekend.
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