In a shocking incident, veteran actor Anupam Kher’s Mumbai office was broken into by two thieves who made away with a safe containing valuable items, including the negatives of a film produced by the actor’s firm. The incident occurred at Mr. Kher’s office on Veera Desai Road in Andheri.
Anupam Kher shared the distressing news on X (formerly Twitter), posting a video that displayed the broken lock on his office door. He captioned the video: “This video was made by my office people before the police came!” The video clearly showed the damage inflicted on the hatch bolt and the doors.
According to reports, the two thieves were captured on CCTV footage as they exited the premises with the stolen items, boarding an autorickshaw to make their getaway. Mr. Kher’s office staff discovered the break-in and promptly filed a First Information Report (FIR) with the local police.
“Last night, two thieves broke two doors of my office in Veera Desai Road and stole the entire safe from the accounts department (which they probably couldn’t break) and the negatives of a film produced by our company that were in a box. Our office has filed an FIR and the police have assured that the thieves will be caught very soon. Because in the CCTV camera, both can be seen sitting in an auto with the goods. May God give them wisdom,” Anupam Kher wrote on X.
The police are actively investigating the case and have assured Mr. Kher that the culprits will be apprehended soon. The stolen safe contained not only the film negatives but also other valuables, the exact nature of which has not been disclosed.
This incident has raised concerns about the security of offices in the area and has garnered significant attention due to Mr. Kher’s high profile. The actor’s fans and the public have expressed their support and hopes for a swift resolution to the case.
Sources By Agencies