Charu Castle Foundation (Ghaziabad) India, a trust working in the field of Art and Culture since last 20 years , organized International Painting Competition “Sanskriti ke Rang” in support with Uttar Pradesh Tourism (U.P.Government) in which thousands of students from India and various countries like Philippines, Latvia, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Dubai (UAE) , Malaysia , Romania, Korea, Taiwan (Chinese Taipei), Poland participated by sending their art work.
The painting competition was organized with a special theme of about the Cultural heritage structures Monuments of Uttar Pradesh and other social topics like save girls child, Women empowerment, stop smoking, Forest, Education, Gender Equality and many tourism destinations in Uttar Pradesh.
The foundation Chairman , Kapur Vir Bhan who himself is a Fine artist said, This activity brings out the creativity of the youths as they make the painting with a purpose, bringing them close to the Culture heritage of the country. A large number of students used various techniques using the different colors to demonstrate their skills like water colors, acrylic, charcoal, coffee and pencil sketches. Various topics like Ghats of Varanasi is highlighted on paper with water colors, Tajmahal, Flowers, Forest scene , Landscapes, as well as images of Gods and Goddesses is another favorite theme painted by the students from various states of India and abroad. Almost all topics were covered by the young artistes.
To appreciate the students, best art works would be appreciated and honored with Cash Prizes, Trophies, Mementoes, Medals, Merit Certification, and Participants will get Certificates. Participating Institution will be rewarded for their efforts with Appreciation certifications.
Pawan Kapoor, National delegate of CIOFF ® and General Secretary of Charu Castle foundation said, These kind of activities are important to educate the young students about the cultural legacy and must be regularly held to give them a platform to excel among other participants. No matter you win or not you will get the experience of colors to shape your imaginations. Art lives within us it’s on us how we express. Every activity must be appreciated that supports or promotes the culture, Intangible or Tangible form of Culture is the identity of any nation. It needs to be preserved and activities needed to support the promotion of culture at all level. Civil societies like Charu castle foundation playing a very good role among the young’s by involving them to the activities focused on art and culture. He also thanked the U.P. Tourism for supporting the Creative activity that educates and brings out the talent of the youths and this activity gives them a reason to paint with a purpose, means culture heritage structures, and others which are very important for society. Awareness along with the competition makes it more meaningful.
He further mentioned that the art work of the students will be highlighted at various Art exhibitions in various cities as planned by the host organization, so that their creative work will be more highlighted and other students get motivation from it.
The best art work will be appreciated with awards and certificates with Cash prizes.