Sanjeev Bakshi
India is the youngest country in the world. More than 50% of the population is youth in India and they have the potential to rule over the world. The government encourages Young minds which also includes college students for entrepreneurship so that they can create more jobs and become self-dependent.
The problem every Indian youth is facing is not having mentorship and lack of knowledge.
They don’t have any idea how they can start their business and how to grow the business fast. Sanjeev Bakshi is one of the leading Indian entrepreneurs who is working on youth empowerment. Sanjiv provides business opportunities and mentorship to youths.
One of the key factors why young college students work with Sanjeev is his helping approach. He not only gives mentorship for business but he guides youths for their future and how they can secure a family future by doing their own business. He guides his students step by step. To choose the right business to become wealthy from that business.
According to Sanjeev, one should need to have two things to succeed in business.
1st thing is good mentorship because even if you are outstanding in your skills but don’t have mentorship, you will fail because of a lack of guidance. Sanjeev himself is mentoring 1000+ students & his mentees are also earning good money because of his mentorship.
2nd is a system because people fail, but the system doesn’t. If you have a good system to run your business, then you will get good results. Sanjeev gives credit to the Vestige system for his and his team member’s success.
His students are earning 30-40 thousand a month. He provided this opportunity to those students who are not able to start their business and have no idea about the business. Sanjeev is very proud that not only he is earning good money & supporting his family but his students & team members are also earning good money with Sanjeev’s support.

Sanjeev provides proper mentorship to his team members so that they can run their business very smoothly. Sanjeev also tells his team members that you just need to follow the proper system for 1 year and you can easily make 50 thousand rupees per month and most team members earn that much money.
We need more Entrepreneurs like Sanjeev Bakshi in India to create more jobs and self-dependent youths. Many college students are also approaching Sanjeev to become part of his team so that they can learn from Sanjeev and become successful like Sanjeev.
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