Rasha Thadani, the 19-year-old daughter of actress Raveena Tandon and film distributor Anil Thadani, is facing backlash after her debut item song “Uyi Amma” from the upcoming film Azaad was released. The song, which features Rasha alongside Aman Devgn, has garnered mixed reactions from the audience. While some viewers have praised her dancing skills and expressive performance, many others have voiced concerns about the appropriateness of the song’s lyrics and the young actress’s choice of debut.
The song, shot in a provocative style, has been labeled as “sleazy” by several viewers due to its suggestive lyrics and sensual imagery. The primary issue raised by critics is Rasha’s age. At just 19, the actress’s appearance in such an item number has sparked discomfort among netizens, who feel that the debut was not age-appropriate. One user commented, “I feel like Bollywood is going backwards. Letting girls debut at 18/19 years old, with these pathetic cheap item songs,” while another stated, “She’s too young for such performances. I wish her family used their connections to launch her in age-appropriate roles instead.”
Despite the criticism, Rasha’s performance has been recognized for its dedication, with some viewers acknowledging her emotional expressiveness and matching the power-packed dance moves. However, many still find it unsettling to see such a young debutante engaging in this type of role. Some have compared her to Katrina Kaif’s iconic “Chikni Chameli” performance, noting the stark difference in age — Kaif was 28 when she performed the item number, a fact that adds to the discomfort surrounding Rasha’s debut.
Others have questioned why Rasha, who comes from a well-connected family, would choose to debut in a song that some feel is not the best reflection of her potential. Comments such as “She could’ve used her privilege in a better way to be launched” reflect the sentiment that Rasha’s debut could have been more aligned with her age and talent.
Azaad, which is set to release on January 17, marks Rasha’s first feature film, and despite the controversy surrounding her debut song, the film’s release will likely draw further attention as audiences await her full performance on screen.
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