Actor and Mandi MP Kangana Ranaut recently took to Instagram to celebrate the women of Himachal Pradesh, emphasizing their beauty and resilience. Sharing a collage featuring herself alongside Himachali actors Preity Zinta, Yami Gautam, and Pratibha Ranta, Kangana highlighted the often-overlooked contributions of women working tirelessly in her home state.
Himachali Women Deserve Recognition
Kangana wrote about the hardworking women of Himachal, many of whom labor in fields and raise cattle while managing household responsibilities. “When I go to Himachal and see our women equally or better looking than us work tirelessly in the fields—no Instagram, no reels—raising cattle and making ends meet, I feel they can definitely do with some hype,” she wrote, tagging her post with #himachaligenes and #himachaliwomen.
The actor-politician’s comments resonated with her followers, who praised her for shedding light on the often-unsung efforts of rural women.
Speaking Out for Blake Lively
Kangana also showed her support for Hollywood actor Blake Lively amid allegations of sexual harassment against It Ends With Us co-star and director Justin Baldoni. Drawing parallels between Hollywood and the Indian film industry, Kangana referred to the Hema Committee report on the Malayalam film industry and highlighted the global nature of struggles faced by women in entertainment.
“Even in Hollywood, women who refuse to compromise are maligned, and their careers are destroyed. It’s not just Bollywood. Similar reports, like the Hema Committee report, have come out about the Malayalam film industry. It is worrying and shameful,” she wrote.
Recent Projects and Challenges
In her acting career, Kangana was last seen in Tiku Weds Sheru, Chandramukhi 2, and Tejas in 2023. Her upcoming project, Emergency, a biopic on former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, faced setbacks when the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) initially denied it certification. After legal proceedings, the film is now cleared for release in 2025.
Kangana continues to make headlines for her outspoken nature and dedication to advocating for women’s rights, both in her home state and globally.
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