The much-anticipated film “Fighter,” starring Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone, and Anil Kapoor, is gearing up for a grand opening at the box office, amassing an impressive ₹2.9 crore from its advance bookings for day one. Directed by Siddharth Anand, the film is set to hit theaters on January 25, and the early response from audiences is already promising.
As per the latest report on, “Fighter” has successfully sold 88,190 tickets for its opening day across India. Key regions contributing significantly to the advance booking sales include Delhi, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Telangana, and Karnataka. With three more days leading up to the release, the film is poised to surpass the ₹3 crore mark in advance ticket sales.
Film trade insider Taran Adarsh shared insights on Twitter, stating, “Fighter advance booking report: For its opening day – All India tickets sold – 90K National chains (PIC) – 40K. Total advance booking Gross – ₹3 Crore. My new prediction is ₹28 Cr +/- 2 crore…”
About “Fighter”: Directed by Siddharth Anand and produced by Viacom18 Studios in collaboration with Marflix Pictures, “Fighter” is set to release on Republic Day Eve. The film centers around the Air Dragons, a new and elite unit commissioned by the Air Headquarters in response to militant activities in the Srinagar Valley. Positioned as a tribute to the valour, sacrifice, and patriotism of the Indian armed forces, “Fighter” promises an engaging narrative.
Siddharth Anand, speaking at the trailer launch, expressed his gratitude, saying, “Come on January 25 to cheer and love the film. We have given it our all. It is not an easy film. I’ve made a decent amount of action films but this has been another journey altogether. Everyone has helped us; it’s a team effort, not a one-man show. Everybody has contributed towards the film. My team is still at the studios giving final touches. I want to thank everyone in my team and everyone here.”
Hrithik Roshan, acknowledging the collective effort, added, “Thank you to the universe for surrounding me with crazy, mad, insane passionate human beings. (I’m thankful) for the opportunity to be working with someone as crazy, as passionate as Sid Anand and to be as courageous, passionate, and insane as Anil sir.”
As the anticipation builds for “Fighter,” the film seems poised to make a significant impact at the box office, with audience enthusiasm evident through robust advance bookings.
Sources By Agencies