Priyanka Chopra’s brother Siddharth Chopra and South actress Neelam Upadhyaya recently had an intimate Roka ceremony, with friends and family in attendance. The couple shared inside pictures from the celebration on Instagram, capturing the joyous moments with their loved ones.
The album from the Roka ceremony showcases Priyanka Chopra’s big family, including her mother Madhu Chopra, cousin Mannara Chopra, and best friend Tamanna Dutt. Dressed in traditional attire, Priyanka, along with her husband Nick Jonas and Malti, posed for a heartwarming family picture that stole the show. The couple captioned their post, “Nothing without the fam #everything,” expressing their gratitude and love for their family’s support.
Siddharth Chopra and Neelam Upadhyaya announced their Roka ceremony with a joint post, featuring cozy pictures of the couple and a special cake that read “just rokafied.” Sharing their joy, they wrote, “Sooo we did a thing,” which garnered warm congratulations from Priyanka’s cousin Meera Chopra and best friend Tamanna Dutt.
The relationship between Neelam Upadhyaya and Siddharth Chopra has been in the spotlight for a while. They made their first public appearance together at the Ambanis’ Ganesh Puja in 2019 and have been seen at various family gatherings since then. Neelam clarified earlier rumors of engagement after a photographer mistakenly labeled her as Siddharth’s “fiancée” due to a ring she was wearing.
Siddharth Chopra was previously engaged to Ishita Kumar, and their Roka ceremony took place in New Delhi in February 2019. However, the wedding was mutually called off in June of the same year.
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