Abhishek Kapoor, the director of the period drama Azaad, recently shared his thoughts on the film’s disappointing performance at the box office. The movie, which marks the debut of Rasha Thadani, daughter of Raveena Tandon, and Aaman Devgn, nephew of actor Ajay Devgn, has only earned ₹5 crore since its release, with the film’s opening day collections falling short of expectations.
Despite the box office setback, Kapoor expressed gratitude and pride in the project. On Monday, the director took to Instagram to post behind-the-scenes glimpses of Azaad along with a heartfelt message to the film’s cast and crew. He wrote, “Sapne hit ya flop nahi hote, saakaar hote hain (Dreams do not make a hit or flop, they come true). The story of Azaad is one I truly believed in, and it is a dream accomplished to have brought it to life.”
Kapoor praised the performances of debutants Rasha and Aaman, stating, “They have delivered beyond expectations, and the world is their oyster.” He also extended his thanks to everyone involved in the film, calling them the backbone of the project. “I want to thank every single cast and crew member who worked tirelessly on every detail devoted to the grand vision,” Kapoor added.
The filmmaker also acknowledged the support of his wife, expressing gratitude for her patience and encouragement throughout the project. Additionally, Kapoor thanked Ronnie Screwvala, the film’s producer, for backing his vision and helping bring it to fruition. “Above all, I want to thank @ronnie.screwvala who backed this vision and gave it everything it needed. It is thanks to him that dreams have been fulfilled and careers have been launched,” Kapoor wrote.
Shooting for the Stars: Azaad’s Plot and Early Box Office Performance
Set in pre-independence India, Azaad explores the deep bond between a young stable boy and his horse. The film also stars Mohit Malik, Diana Penty, Piyush Mishra, and features a cameo by Ajay Devgn. Despite the emotional story and a promising ensemble cast, the film’s box office numbers have been underwhelming.
Box Office Earnings: On its first day, the film earned ₹1.5 crore, followed by ₹1.3 crore on day two. The film earned an additional ₹1.85 crore nett on day three, bringing its total earnings to ₹4.65 crore as of now.
Although the movie’s commercial performance may not have met expectations, Kapoor remains positive and committed to his craft, urging the industry and audiences alike to continue dreaming big and supporting each other’s creativity.
With a clear focus on the artistic journey of filmmaking, Kapoor has reminded the world that for him, Azaad was always about the fulfillment of a dream, not the outcome at the box office. As the film continues its journey, Kapoor remains grateful to those who made it possible and optimistic about future endeavors.
Sources By Agencies