Kanha Mishra was born on 1 September 2002 in Rewa district of Madhya Pradesh, father's name is Kamta Prasad Mishra and mother's name is Arti Mishra.
Kanha has been interested in acting since childhood and Kanha has told many times that he wants to become an actor like Shah Rukh Khan and considers him as her idol.
Empireshark Is An Educational Hub For Lead Generation & Young Digital Entrepreneurs. EmpireShark Is An Evolution In E-Learning And Earning Platform. EmpireShark Family Is Making Great Contribution for Educating Today’s Youth and Providing Them a Great Opportunity to Earn through EmpireShark Platform.
One act of kindness can leave a huge impact on the world. If you help someone today. They will be encouraged to help someone else and the chain goes on. Won't it be a beautiful place to live? A world where people are kind, helpful and polite towards each other? Well, that's what Joshua Daniel putti who is very well known as Rider Josh, has been working on for the past many days.
Precruit app is a platform for the skilled workers to get work for their upgradation and for the job providers, to hire skilled workers for any work with full comfort. Here you post any Urgent Precruitings (Jobs or worker needs) in order to hire and Precruitians (worker or seeker) can easily search daily job posts and thus can connect to you. Only purpose of this app is to provide Comfort to our customers in every aspect of professional life.